Mechanic Filtration
Simple clarification for industrial process water, membrane systems pretreatment, ion exchange resin system or mechanic filtration is an important step in watertreatment.
The standard range of Adh2oc Industrial covers all available technologies to meet all pre-treatment and clarification requirements.

The bag filter or filter cartridge are destined to treat the waste water weakly loaded with suspending particles already clarified.
The preference will be given to bags filter for :
- medium to high flow rates
- high Thresholds cut (25 à 200 µm)
In fact, a bag capacity to retain suspended particle is much higher than that of a cartridge.
Bag filters can be made :
- PVC or PE for corrosive waters or having high chlorure concentrations
- Stainless steel for standard waters or high pressure water systems
Bags filters
Bags filters can be assembled in parallel to reach very high flowrates.
Cartridges filters
Cartridge filters are destined for the finest filtration (50 to 1 µm or 0.2µm) for F&B or pharmaceuticals applications.
Specifics carters
For noble applications, the use of specifics carters with sanitary grade able to meet the most high quality requirements.